And of course, all the glitz and the Glam that goes along with being the entertainment, capital of the
world. Today, we’re going to meet some of those entertainers that are making an impact on our communities, by giving back.
So I’m here with ProHeat Joshi, owner, and creator of knee Annapolis downtown. This is such a unique building and houses businesses, that range from restaurant and dining to go-kart racing to all types of entertainment and clubs.
Would you mind telling us a little bit about Indianapolis and the downtown area’s affordable entertainment? That’s what downtown is all about. It’s a Chic kind of place.
It’s a vintage Vegas. It’s the old Vegas me. Annapolis is an influx that can approach. Eject whereby we have chosen tenants who are unusual. Whatever is absurd is normal at knee Annapolis. So, tell me about your experience with notoriety and working with Ken, so about five years ago, I saw an article in the paper about 25 different shows on the Strip that had closed. So I called Ken and I said, what do these people do if they don’t have a job? So I told him that I had movie theaters that could be converted into live performances. That was the magic moment for us both. He has made me and not a policy major name so for which we thank you, Miss.
Okay, thank you so much for joining us today. You’ve really created something where you can showcase up-and-coming talent in the Las Vegas area. Can you tell me a little bit about that?
You know, the hardest part about a booking agent is finding a place for them to do what they do. I
created notoriety to kind of scratch that itch. So now when I meet them and I go, wow, I have a place to put them and we give them an opportunity so we’re very excited about it and people love it.
That’s awesome. And I know there’s another organization that you started, right? The notoriety. Gives Foundation. Tell us a little bit about it. So the charity was formed to give at-risk kids an opportunity to learn the Arts and we’re working on continuing this education. So we’re going to teach dance. We’re going to teach acting. We’re going to songwriting and all the performers that have worked here are helping with this, that’s absolutely awesome.
Giving back on that level, especially to our children. That’s exactly what our community needs. And I’m sitting here with Clint Holmes grammy-nominated singer and songwriter who’s also on the board of directors. For notoriety gives just wanted to find out a little bit about your motivation to be a part of that
organization. Oh, well for me, I don’t know what my life would have been without music. Teachers and mentors along the line have been very good to me.
So it’s an opportunity to give back, I’m going to be working with these kids on songwriting, a lot of these
kids are, at risk. Combs and hopefully it’s an opportunity for them to get some of that stuff out and say it or write it or sing it, right? Thank you so much for being part of this effort to give back to our community. I listen it’s my pleasure, the community gives a lot to me.
Michael Shapiro is here with us. We’re so privileged to have him. You just completed the first guitar training program for these kids, right?
Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Yeah. So we had six kids and they all want to learn how to play guitar. So guitars were donated and provided for the kids and we met once a week for six weeks. I look forward to it every week and the kids did too and the second maybe it might have been the first class and one of the kids said to me, he’s just like, I want you to know, this has been the greatest day of my life and it was just simple. Our class, you know, anything to inspire these kids and give them some purpose. And they all showed up every week and they wanted to learn. It was really about connection and they learned some guitar chords to yeah I thank you so much for everything you’re doing.
I know you’re making a difference. Every speech feels good to know. My pleasure with me now is another board of directors member Antonio Fargas. Who some of you may recognize tell us a little bit about why you decided to get involved in the board of Nur, I’d notoriety gifts. Wow, I came here. Here about 16, 16 years ago and I came to Las Vegas and found a community. And so it was a perfect fit. I’m over the moon to be able to be part of this and try to give something to these young people who don’t have an opportunity to dream the way. I was given an opportunity to dream. Oh, that’s so wonderful. And you guys are giving back in such a way that really makes a difference in our community and thank you so much for doing that. My pleasure, my pleasure, and it’s you know what?
Just getting started, thanks for joining us for selling, Las Vegas. Join us next time. As we explore places and the wonderful people that call Las Vegas home.